Client Portfolio
Check here we present you our client portfolio and industries.

Hadron’s services are available for the industrial manufacturers which have raw materials, semi-finished or finished supplying products. Hadron helps to improve the quality and to ensure the accuracy of delivery time management of manufacturers’ supplying products, and empower their manufacturing processes.
Applicable Manufacturer Industries
- Aerospace
- Agriculture
- Automotive
- Building & Construction
- Commodity & Mine
- Consumer Goods
- Electrical & Electronics
- Energy & Utility
- Food & Beverage
- Furniture & Furnishing
- Luxury Goods & Jewelry
- Machinery & Equipment
- Maritime & Offshore
- Medical & Healthcare
- Metal & Alloys
- Plastics & Chemicals
- Railway
- Refinery (Oil)
- Refinery (Natural Gas)
- Soft Goods
- Supply & Retail
- Textile & Fabrics
- Transport & Logistics

EPC Stakeholders
On an Engineering-Procurement-Construction project, Hadron provides services to the stakeholders which were owners, clients, consortium, contractors, sub-contractors or operators. Hadron’s services are provided both on the site or on the supplier of project.
Applicable EPC Projects
- Airport
- Bridge
- Business Center
- Hospital
- Hotel
- Mall
- Pipeline
- Power Plant
- Pump Station
- Railway
- Refinery (Oil)
- Refinery (Natural Gas)
- Seaport
- Shipyard
- Stadium
- Terminal
- Treatment Plant

In the era of online sales and online business, wholesale/bulk dealers and traders in local or international markets need their products to be delivered to their customers with the required quality, quantity and features.
Applicable Trader/Dealer Industries
- Automotive
- Building & Construction
- Commodity & Mine
- Consumer Goods
- Electrical & Electronics
- Food & Beverage
- Furniture & Furnishing
- Luxury Goods & Jewelry
- Machinery & Equipment
- Medical & Healthcare
- Metal & Alloys
- Plastics & Chemicals
- Soft Goods
- Supply & Retail
- Textile & Fabrics
- Transport & Logistics

Hadron has services for the retailers who sold the final products directly to the end users in local or international markets. Production of the final products must be fully completed and meet all requirements of the end user. The retailer usually does not have the option to check the products before selling them to the end user due to time, location and cost constraints. Hadron’s services are provided to avoid final product problems in manufacturer or supplier locations.
Applicable Retailer Industries
- Automotive
- Building & Construction
- Consumer Goods
- Electrical & Electronics
- Food & Beverage
- Furniture & Furnishing
- Luxury Goods & Jewelry
- Machinery & Equipment
- Medical & Healthcare
- Plastics & Chemicals
- Soft Goods
- Supply & Retail
- Textile & Fabrics
- Transport & Logistics

Please note that the manufacturers, stakeholders, projects, traders, dealers or retailers which include-process-operate-resell-transport for the following industries are not applicable for our services due to high environmental risks to the future.
- Single-use Plastics
- Nuclear
- Coal