While we have fostering a company culture that reflects us, firstly we built corporate values, vision and compliance program. Thereafter, the rules were established on two basics of Hadron’s business: employees and customers.
Employment Basics

Respect First
Respect first in all business relations and activities. Make sure that you respect to nature, yourself, colleagues, customers, competitors, suppliers and everything else you have in touch.

Embrace Compliance
Hadron’s corporate compliance program (CCP) guides all employees, stakeholders and even partners. CCP includes all values, principles, laws, missions and rules of conduct. It is juristic duty to fully comply with the CCP.

Be Good
According to the fundamentals of humanism, which is one of our values, it is necessary to be good person, to fulfill the obligations of being human and to behave well to nature.

Focus on
Hadron and its customers are on the dual bases. No matter which stage of work you’re in, keep in your mind needs, benefits and interests of our customers.
Our employment basics have been developed to protect our total business relations for our employees, customers, partners and stakeholders.
All the principles of employment are formally notified to the candidates after the job interview. If they accept, they are trained extensively on values, employment principles and CCP. This training is an official responsibility activity, unlike job orientation. Training records are appended to contracts. Thus, the parties are deemed to have accepted their obligations according to the related country and international laws.